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My 2023 Review

This year is a mixed of good and bad occurrence in my life. In fact, before this year starts, I was optimistic and at the same time, I was doubting if this year was for me. I could not say the this is the best year for me because honestly, I'm very disappointed because of bad occurrence and unachieved plans. However, there are some good things for me that occur in 2023.

Good things

When it comes to good things, I have a lot of adventures and achievements. I also met new friends in the certain year. I also lose weight somehow compare in 2022 that I gained more weight. This year, I'm continuously learning new things and I became more independent. I have a lot of realizations and development. I gradually changing my routine and I gradually eliminating my bad habits. Besides that, I also had an opportunity to do what I love. I travelled alone (I was doing that when I was 19), I had more time to go to library (I was consistently doing that since I was 17), etc. I had more shares in the stock market, I increase my profit in forex trading, I passed the licensure examination, I visited Intimate Audrey Manila two times, I got a free consultation and inquiries about laser treatment, I gradually become vegetarian, I bought a grocery after 4 years, etc. These are the good things for me in 2023.

Bad things

When it comes to bad things, this would be worse than other disappointing years for me. I have a lot of unachieved goals. I also faced a lot of challenges that almost ruined myself. I told myself that this year, I could able to increase my cashflow but everything occurred is not based on what I was expecting. So, instead of having able to increase my savings, I failed to make an emergency fund. I was also disappointed because I did not achieved my goals that needed to take loan for the certain expenses. In short, I took loan for nothing. Besides that, I have a lot of unachieved plans. I was planning to go to concerts of my favorite bands, artists and musicians. This year, I got illnesses like Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. It is one of the reason why I did not come to the concert of one of my favorite artists. I could not tell all of my bad things because there are some that I prefer to keep that secret but, these are the bad things for me in 2023.

In general, majority of the occurrence are bad and these are unforgettable. That's why, I'm hoping for the better 2024. Not a perfect year but more on growth, achievements, happiness, prosperity, and better life. However, there are some good things for me that occur this year.



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I'm Romel A. D. This personal blog of mine is created to share the story that will inspire you to achieve the best life we wanted to have. This blog focuses on lifestyle, adulthood, and financial literacy. Also, I can share here on how I achieved the best life although I'm still doing my best to achieve my dreams. 

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